My Story. Your Glory.

popwe is ministry beyond the music! popwe connects, inspires, and gives hope by sharing the redemptive power of Jesus Christ through stories, prayer, discipleship, and giving.

“When we experience somebody else's story, we find hope for our own." -Matthew West

Your story matters!

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...”
-Revelation 12:11

Experience Stories of Hope

Through these stories, the gospel is being shared. Help more people be transformed. Donate today.

3 Steps to a Changed Life

Craft Your Story

Have a story in mind, or don’t know where to start? Either way, we’ll help you craft the story of what God’s doing in your life.

Share Your Story

Your story reveals God’s glory. You can share your story on our platform & engage with those whom it inspires.

Live Your Story

The best of your story is yet to come. We’ll connect you to resources, other story tellers, and continue to encourage you as you live your story. 

God Stories with Powerful Impact

Join thousands of other Story Tellers sharing their everyday stories where they saw God show up.

“I didn’t understand a relationship with the Lord Almighty until I gave birth to my daughter Kelly Ann and lost her 10 days later.”

Read Story

Learn how stories have impacted Matthew West

Stories have had an amazing impact on Matthew's life. They are amazing reflections of God at work. Imagine what God can do with your story. 

Matthew's Story

Matthew likes to call the moment he decided to follow God his "Blue Couch" moment. When you craft your story, you can share your "Blue Couch" moment or other stories where you have seen God at work in your life. 

More Ways To Get Involved


Help more people share their story and get their story to others.

Craft Your Story

Inspire others by sharing your story. Craft, Share, and Live your story to inspire others.


Our volunteers are an integral part of our ministry. Volunteers serve alongside us as members of our Ground Team and National Prayer Team.

Pray For Others

Join us in praying for the needs of others. Together, we will see God answer prayers. Luke 1:37 — "Nothing is impossible with God."