Everyone has a God story.
What has He done in your life?
Telling your story can be a challenge.
How can we help?
What an amazing thing that God takes the rebels and prodigals and turns us into misfit heroes. Tell us about the moment where you told God "Here I am Lord, I'm all Yours."
Addiction & Deliverance
Have you lived a life defined by the regret of past mistakes? God can restore, redeem, and renew our hearts. Share about the greater destination God has shown you than what you used to call home. Help others learn they are not defined by defeat.
Marriage & Family
Have you learned what it means to take less and give more for your family? For many, marriage and family relationships can seem beyond repair. Do you have a story that proves love can be restored? People need to hear it.
Healing Story
Are you a living, walking, talking miracle? Give others hope by sharing your story of God turning something impossible into a miracle.
Depression & Anxiety
Fear and hopelessness have a way of stealing the headlines in your life story. Help others remember how God, even when you're barely holding on, is holding onto you.
Broken Chapters
There is no such thing as unplanned. How has God turned broken into beautiful in your life? Guide others to understand they are a part of God's masterpiece, no matter how broken they seem to be by sharing your story.
God Stories
Every day God shows Himself to us. Sometimes in big ways and sometimes in small ways. What are some small ways God has surprised you recently? This kind of story inspires us to notice God at work each day.