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What kind of story have you seen God work through in your life?

Let’s go ALL IN with our community!

Hey Guys, Matthew here!

This week is about, “How do we go ALL IN with our community?” There’s a lost and hurting world around us and God has a plan for us to make an impact. I talk about one of the ways God has allowed me to make an impact in one of the songs on the new record called “Sound of a Life Changing.”

It talks about how I’m on the stage and my community is in front of me and we are singing, “Child of the One True King!” But God has been really challenging me to recognize that my chance to impact those around me extends far beyond my short amount of time on stage. It’s not like I get to clock out. The work continues. And God’s calling me to go deeper, to go ALL IN, and impact my community.

I hope this week challenges you to look around you and see the different ways God is calling you to go ALL IN in this lost and hurting world, letting those around you know there is hope in Jesus.


  1. Read Acts 2:42-47
  2. In what ways did the Believers go ALL IN with their community?
  3. What are the similarities or differences between how you interact with your community and how the Believers in Acts interacted?
  4. What are the needs of your community?
  5. What obstacles may stop you from meeting those needs?
  6. This week, pray that God would open your eyes to the needs of those around you and show you a specific way you can go ALL IN for your community.