Let’s Go ALL IN with our Faith!
Hey Guys, Matthew here!
It’s week one of a six part journey that we’re taking together – learning what it means to go ALL IN. ALL IN in our relationship with Christ is really where it all begins. This week – we’re going ALL IN with our faith.
A line in one of the songs off my new record says, “I believe that someday I will see your Kingdom come and I wanna hear you say, ‘Welcome home my child, well done.'”
In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wait ’til the end of my life to discover that I never really found out what life to the full was like.
So where it begins is with our faith in Christ. Am I going ALL IN in my relationship with Christ? Am I trusting Him wholly and completely with my heart and with my life? Do I believe that He has the best plan for me?
Today, let’s begin by going ALL IN with our faith!
Dive Deeper:
- Read the account of Noah in Genesis 6-8.
- In what ways did Noah go ALL IN with his faith? What risks and choices did he have to make?
- What do you think was the key to Noah’s faithfulness?
- What would it look like for you to go ALL IN with your faith? Write down some specific goals for this week.