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What kind of story have you seen God work through in your life?

Let’s Go All In With Our Family!

Hey Guys, Matthew here!

This week we’re going to talk about what it means to go ALL IN with our Family. One of my favorite songs off the new record is called “The Beautiful Things We Miss.” This song was a bit of a hard one to write because I was personally taking a hard look at my life inside the four walls of my home. At the end of the day, I don’t want get to the end of my life having built a career as a singer but missing out on meaningful relationships with my wife and with my children.

How can you go ALL IN to those you are closest to? Maybe you’re someone who has a family member who is not a Christian and you’ve been praying for them, praying that God would show you how to be a better witness. Maybe you have some strained relationships in your family. Maybe you have a full-on dysfunctional family  and you’re thinking, “Lord Help Me!”

This week, go ALL IN with loving your family well and showing them the love of Christ.


  1. Read Ruth 1 and 2.
  2. Write down all the ways Ruth went ALL IN for Naomi.
  3. What sacrifices and choices did Ruth have to make?
  4. What ways can you go ALL IN for your family?
  5. This week, commit to calling a family member you haven’t spoken to in a while.