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What kind of story have you seen God work through in your life?


“The Accuser was overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony”

Revelation 12:11

It’s one thing to begin looking at your life as a story that is being crafted by your Maker. But what if I told you there is great POWER in your story?  A power to change the world around you. That power is only discovered when you become awakened to the realization that your story was never meant to be kept to yourself. The power in your story is discovered when you SHARE it. After all, what good would it be to craft an amazing life story only to keep it to yourself?

We all have a deep desire to know that our story matters.

We all need to know that we are not alone.

And we ALL have a story worth telling.

When we share our stories, we have the power to tell someone else that they are not alone.

At different stages in our lives we might share our stories for different reasons. You might be in a situation where you feel a need to share your story in the hopes of beginning a journey of recovery. By sharing, you can take the first step in getting the help you need. Or, you may be in a place to share your story as a means to inspire hope by giving testimony to the miracles God is working in your life. Our goal is to unleash the power of healing and hope by connecting a community of storytellers all moving courageously forward guided by the one true author of their collective stories. popwe provides a safe place for you to begin this important journey.

Revelation 12:11 describes Satan as an accuser. And the Accuser will always try to make you feel like you should just keep your story to yourself. But listen to what the scripture says. “The Accuser was overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY.” Testimony is just another word for story. When you share your story, it will speak louder than the voice of the accuser in your life, and in the lives of all who hear your story.

Don’t settle for life as a storyKEEPER. Be a storyTELLER. SHARE the story of your life that God is crafting.

We encourage you to begin by reading some of the courageous stories shared on the site. Be inspired by their vulnerability. Then, engage in the first step of the process to CRAFT your story. When you’re ready to put virtual “pen to paper” on your story, enter the popwe story portal process for a self-guided, story-telling journey. Feel free to take advantage of our video submission option as well! Your story is the heartbeat of our ministry and we thank you in advance for choosing to be a storyteller. While not all stories can be published on our site, we hope the process of crafting your story provides healing and encourages you to share your story with those around you!

*For video submissions, we recommend:

  • Making sure you are recording with your phone or device in landscape position
  • Choosing a solid color background
  • Keeping your story between 1-2 minutes long

We can’t wait to hear your story!


Lord, thank you for giving me the courage to share my story so that others may find hope and healing. Open the hearts of those who read my story and allow them to feel inspired to tell their story and encouraged to find the help they need if they are going through a similar circumstance. I praise you for using my story for Your glory and for creating light from even my darkest chapters. Give me the boldness to share my story often and please take my hand and lead me to the powerful next chapters of my life.