March 17

Live by DESIGN, rather than DEFAULT.


  • Many ask the question, “Lord, am I heading in the right direction?” How are you making time to slow down and quiet your heart to truly hear God’s voice as He answers that question for you? 
  • How often do you allow yourself to live by default rather than by design? The challenge is when we get caught in the “doing” rather than the “being”. Ask yourself if you are being INTENTIONAL about living the story He planned for you or if you’re just going through the motions, allowing a generic version of your story to play out.
  • Think about the divine design God has planned for you and reflect on the moments in your life when God was truly writing the script.  Are there moments in your story when you felt God must have left you only to discover later He was with you all along? How can that part of your story inspire others? How can you use the darkness to give light?




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