Greg: Both my wife and I have been saved since the age of 6. We grew up in Christian homes, met at a Christian college, and married in 1988. We were blessed with 4 children- 3 boys and 1 girl. Our girl, Savannah, was third in the mix.
In 2012, Savannah had a weekend stomach virus. On Sunday she was showing signs of feeling better. On Monday morning, as we were preparing to take her to the doctor, she took her last breath and passed away in our living room.
She was a healthy 16 year-old girl who participated in volleyball, basketball, and soccer.
We could not understand. We searched our hearts to try to determine what we did wrong in our lives that would cause our God to take our daughter home when life was just beginning for her. She loved everyone, especially children. She always wanted us to foster so she could take care of the babies.
We always said we couldn’t at the time. Less than two years later, my wife came to me and said she still had so much love in her heart and wanted to go down the foster road.
We are in our fifties, and we are starting our eighth year of fostering and adopting. We have adopted 5 children which are made up of two sibling groups. They are currently aged K- 6th grades.
We feel like our adoption journey is over, but our home remains open for fostering.
We have heard you can be bitter or be better. With God’s help and strength every single day, we strive to be better. Telling these children about His great love for them and seeing them come to salvation is the most rewarding feeling in the entire world.
Praise God for how He works in our lives. All glory and honor goes to Him.