I Walked Away From My Faith

“I spent a lot of time wondering what it was that I did to cause such punishment.”

I Walked Away From My Faith

We are so looking forward to joining you this Saturday. Diane was in tears when I shared the video you’d sent on her birthday and is so excited to be there. Thank you for making this birthday wish a reality.

She told me she received an email from you as well and shared a little bit about her story. She encouraged me to send something too. I know you likely hear from many people (I’ve learned that everyone carries some sort of trouble, grief, or burden) and some of the most beautiful souls are those who have suffered greatly. Diane has always been a beautiful soul, but even after the loss of her husband Rob, she has never wavered in her faith or love for others.

Personally, I cannot say the same. I nearly walked away from my faith completely after the death of my youngest son, Gabriel. We have two beautiful children at home we get to watch grow. We do not take it for granted because we have held and said goodbye to two children as they died. Our son Samuel would have been 11 this year, and our son Gabriel would have been 5. I spent a lot of time wondering what it was that I did to cause such punishment. I now know that this pain and suffering was never in the original plan- that I’m not being picked on, and that God does not love me less because I did not get to keep all of my children. I am a writer at heart and 5 years ago I wrote a piece about my faith that many reached out and told me it helped them to be honest with where they were and work through some hard feelings. I’ll share it here if you’d like to read.


Diane and I are chosen sisters, woven stronger together by circumstances outside our control. She grieves for her husband and I grieve my children- we both look forward to the day when we are all reunited and there are no more tears.

To say thank you for inviting us to come doesn’t seem like enough, but I will say it anyway. Thank you.

See you Saturday,

“I now know that this pain and suffering was never in the original plan…”

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Inspired to Share Your Story?

Matthew likes to call the moment he decided to follow God his " Blue Couch" moment. When you craft your story, you can share your "Blue Couch" moment or other stories where you have seen God at work in your life.
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