Many years ago I was going through a difficult divorce, something I didn’t want but couldn’t do anything to stop. It had been a particularly bad day and I was having trouble getting to sleep. It was 3 AM and I needed to be up at 6 to prepare the kids for school and myself for work. I was feeling so broken and alone, trying to find a way to fix my marriage and bring my family back together. I sat up in bed, laying my hands down on the bed in front of me as if laying down a burden, and asked God to please take over. I was tired of the struggle and realized only He could heal my soul. I asked Him to help me get to sleep and to feel rested even though I would only get a couple of hours of sleep. Suddenly I felt a warmth, as though someone had wrapped me in their arms, and I knew it was God comforting me. I laid down and instantly fell asleep. When the alarm went off I woke, feeling refreshed and well rested. As I took my shower, I began wondering if things would be okay and I heard a still small voice say, “I will take care of you and your children. Everything will be as it should be.” From that day on, even though it was difficult, I felt at peace. God brought a new man into my life after a short time. We have now been married 29 years and it still feels like we are on our honeymoon. God is good!
Life After Divorce
“I asked God to please take over. I was tired of the struggle and realized only He could heal my soul.”

“I heard a still small voice say, ‘I will take care of you and your children. Everything will be as it should be.’"