Wendy: When I was 17 yrs old, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life so I took a year off from college to volunteer while I figured it out. I found a mission organization out of San Diego called Amor Ministries that takes youth groups into Tijuana, Mexico to build homes for families there. I found what I wanted to do for life there!! It’s my favorite thing to do. I volunteered for years. Even when I went back to college, I took time off to go every year. After I got married, my husband came with me a couple of years, but we were broke and he only got a week’s vacation each year, so I had to stop for a few years. It was heartbreaking for me to not go to help during their busiest seasons. Then after I had our second girl, I had a disc in my back burst and it was pinching a nerve to my left leg, so I was losing the ability to lift my foot. I thank God to this day for the spinal surgeon that was able to remove the disc from my spinal canal. Those years after the surgery were depressing as the pain wore on and I was sure I would never get to go back to Mexico again. BUT God!! When my girls were 2 and 3 yrs old I was finally able to start going back to volunteer again. My husband and parents took care of the kids every year so that I have never missed a year again except for when Covid closed the borders. This last year I was honored by the organization and given a staff shirt for all my years of volunteering. I started taking both my girls with me to volunteer about 8 yrs ago as well. I leave in March for my 30th year volunteering! Your song “Do Something” is my anthem for life.
Do Something
“I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life…”

“I leave in March for my 30th year volunteering!”