Abby: My baby sister was born on December 7, 2019. She was born early due to Mama having preeclampsia. As soon as she was born, she was taken to the NICU and it didn’t look good. She was unable to keep her blood sugar levels up and the doctors didn’t know what to do. They had a meeting with Mama and Daddy and told them they were going to have to transfer her to Vanderbilt since they weren’t medically trained to handle this problem. The doctor was going to give her this last night at the hospital before moving her. Mama and Daddy told everyone they knew to just pray. The next day — a miracle! My baby sister was able to produce all her blood sugar on her own, and was released from the hospital the next day!!! She’s 16 months old now and has had no other health issues since!!!! We were able to share the gospel to the staff as they were in awe and couldn’t describe what had taken place
A Miracle Baby
“...the doctors didn’t know what to do.”
“We were able to share the gospel to the staff, as they were in awe and couldn’t describe what had taken place” :)