Mackenzie: My story is really unique and such a testament on how amazing God is. It may seem crazy, but it all started with a perfect circle. Without this perfect circle I wouldn’t be where I am today.
In my junior year of high school, I was lost. I had no idea where I was going, and all my friends betrayed me.
I heard of this teacher that could draw this perfect circle, and me being a curious teenager, I had to see it for myself. The next morning, I went to that teacher’s classroom and he drew it. I was so amazed and I practiced and practiced. It wasn’t till the next day I asked to practice during lunch. He told me he had FCA, and I asked what it was. After he explained it to me, I wanted to go. So I went.
I am normally a shy person around people I don’t know, so that whole meeting I did not talk. Throughout the day I was thinking about what was said. I went to that same teacher to talk to him about fear. That’s when he invited me to a youth group on Sunday, and he just happened to be teaching the class I would be in. I went just to go and wasn’t going to go back.
Well, fast forward a year and I am now a Christian, serving in that church and youth group.Because of this perfect circle, I got saved on January 16th, 2021 and baptized with my best friend in the youth group on February 16th, 2021.
That same teacher is now my mentor, and a father figure to me. He has done so much for me that “thank you” is not enough.
If my story encourages anyone, all glory to God. I am here because of how amazing He is, and how great He works. If my whole life can change because of a perfect circle, it shows how God can do anything!