He is Always With Me

“I didn’t understand a relationship with the Lord Almighty until I gave birth to my daughter Kelly Ann and lost her 10 days later.”

He is Always With Me

Kimberlee: My mother was never a person of prayer, but my grandmother was. She was responsible for my understanding who Jesus was. I was raised Catholic, attended Catholic schools, but still not really understanding my relationship truly with the Lord Almighty.

It wasn’t until I gave birth to my daughter Kelly Ann and lost her 10 days later. I didn’t have anyone. Her father, bless his soul, was an alcoholic, so comfort was not available there.

I remember the night she joined our Heavenly Father. I felt totally alone. That night our Father let me know I was not alone, and he heard my cries. It was his strength that got me through the funeral.

It was after this that I found myself praying and basically talking to God a whole lot more and not just when I needed his help. He is with me always.

“The night she joined our Heavenly Father, I felt totally alone.”

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Matthew likes to call the moment he decided to follow God his " Blue Couch" moment. When you craft your story, you can share your "Blue Couch" moment or other stories where you have seen God at work in your life.
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