Brittany: My Untold God Story started when I was diagnosed with end stage kidney disease in December 2017. November 27, 2018, I was put on the UNOS (United Network of Organ Sharing) transplant list. Even though things were for me fluctuating, I believe God had a purpose for me in life and faith. An anonymous kidney donor who learned about living donation on the radio saved my life and this is my happy day. I can’t wait to celebrate on July 5th my second transplantversary.
Before I knew I was going to have a kidney transplant, my parents had asked me if I could live on dialysis. I made the decision that it was God’s will. Because my blood type is really rare, I was supposed to wait 5-7 years, but I only waited 7 months thanks to an altruistic living donor. The night before my transplant, the doctor called my dad and said the anesthesiologist found an arrhythmia in my EKG. The next day I was admitted to the hospital.
Even though my kidney transplant surgery was postponed, we noticed the many blessings God had given me. Our house was pitch black with no lights, but I had to call my dad at 3 am to help me since I was still connected with the peritoneal dialysis machine and figure out how to manually disconnect me and take a sponge bath to be sterile before heading over for my procedure.
My dad was doing 40 days of prayer. God was speaking to him to pray for blessings in the darkest hours. We already noticed the many blessings God gave me, then when we left to go to the hospital my sister called us and said our lights were back on. My dad and I remembered how in January 2018 my heart stopped and my dad prayed for a miracle. This was God’s miracle that He used and showed me. I got to go home on July 10, 2019, with a new kidney, and also share this day with the executive order on kidney disease that was signed by President Donald Trump. A milestone for me and the country!” I feel blessed every day by a walking miracle to help empower and educate others. Psalm 73:26: “My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.”