God Called Me

“God called me to be His.”

God Called Me

Caprice: I remember being in church and our church was on fire for the Lord. It was a small community church with a Baptist preacher. They had altar calls every Sunday and God called me to be His. I went forward and the preacher’s wife came and knelt and prayed with me. The day I was baptized, my dad and a boy a year younger were baptized as well. It was very special to have my dad baptized on the same day! Also, the boy later became a preacher! I became a preacher’s wife as well!

“It was very special to have my dad baptized on the same day!”

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Inspired to Share Your Story?

Matthew likes to call the moment he decided to follow God his " Blue Couch" moment. When you craft your story, you can share your "Blue Couch" moment or other stories where you have seen God at work in your life.
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