Bob: My story is so trivial compared to those you share at concerts and on tv, but I wanted to share. In 2014, after 35 years of marriage, 2 grown boys, and several grand girls, I faced an unexpected divorce. During those days I relied on a long distance friend I knew from my job who would listen to my daily drama and provide feedback. At one point she asked if I listened to Christian Music radio. I told her I did a little around Christmas, but otherwise I did not. She recommended your friends at K-LOVE for support and a lift. I’ve been obsessed with CCM and K-LOVE ever since.
Since then I’ve joined a new church, which included a new member class and presentation of my faith journey. I was preparing a small visual aid to use with my journey and I turned on the TBN app and the first icon was YOUR Ryman concert. The title of my presentation appropriately became “My Story-Your Glory”. WOW, what an experience to share my life with others I barely knew.
After attending your awesome concert in Grove City (Columbus) OH in October, I had a southern trip on my calendar. When I saw you were going to be in Ashland, KY, I contacted that long distance friend who helped me years ago, who lives nearby and asked if she would attend the Paramount Theater with me. On November 2, together we sang and prayed and had a great time with you and Micah! The prayers you and your father presented were perfect and your interaction with the crowd was amazing. Definitely different crowds in Columbus and Ashland!!!! Thank you for sharing your music. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.