Anna: There have been two poignant moments in my life where I can say with confidence that I was Saved By Grace…God’s Grace. First time, when I was a child. I was raised in a Christian home and even though I was young, with 100% confidence, I knew what it meant to be a follower of Christ and that was how I wanted to live my life.
In 2009, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. I knew nothing about this disease and to be honest, I was very careless and naive with this diagnosis. Flash forward to July 5, 2018, a day that will forever be ingrained in my memory. We got to the ER late that evening and waited for three hours. They thought I had an abscess because I’d had one a year prior. At one point I considered leaving, but thankfully, God gave my husband wisdom to keep his strong-willed wife in the ER. Turns out I was 100% septic, my temperature had reached 104, and little did I know that within a matter of minutes, my life would change forever. I would be leaning on God harder than ever before.
The results from a scan came back, were really bad, and in an instant 9 Doctors were in my room and the ER supervisor was in my face saying, “You’re extremely sick! You have a rare disease called Necrotizing Fasciitis. It is a flesh-eating disease and has a very high mortality rate.” I’ll never forget that moment, or her face. They proceeded to tell us that “time is tissue,” meaning with every second the mortality rate increases. They warned my husband there was a possibility your wife might not make it through the surgery.
It’s amazing though how in these scary moments God still provides. For us it was in the form of the surgeon, who came in with the Supervisor. He was dressed in all white and as soon as the supervisor stepped aside for a second, the surgeon stepped up to my bedside and whispered calmly to my husband and I that yes, things are very serious, but he believed I was going to make it. He was our angel in that moment and I’ll never forget him. God is so good! Before I drifted off, I remember a moment I had alone with God, where I felt total Peace…His Peace. I remember saying, “Your will Lord, Not mine. Your will be done.” Around 5am, my eyes opened in the ICU. I saw my husband, and family and knew from that moment on, I would never be the same. I had in fact been SAVED BY GRACE, again!
God gave me a second chance! Being grateful for a disease that’s completely changed my life, isn’t always easy. But because it’s allowed me this experience, I’m forever grateful!
Thank you Lord!