At first glance, it looked like Lisa had it all. Lisa was married to a wonderful man that gave her the world! He was selfless, kind, and gentle – any woman would have been lucky to have him. God also blessed Lisa with a great singing ability and she was used in a mighty way on her worship team. But just as Lisa was thriving in her life and walk with the Lord, she fell into temptation and selfish desires. These led her down a dark path and resulted in a 4-month affair with the Worship Pastor of her church.
While Lisa was still having the affair, God convicted her of her sin, so much so, that she became physically ill. She realized she had to confess her sins to God, her husband, and her church in order to be healed and restored from her sin. After she confessed to her church, Lisa and the Worship Pastor were released from all their leadership positions. Lisa knew this would happen but was heartbroken to lose a ministry she had spent her whole life cultivating. Lisa decided to stay at her church to face the truth and the ones she hurt to truly heal from what she had done. At home, Lisa had to face her husband who was wounded deeply. She couldn’t believe she hurt someone who loved her unconditionally.
Not only was Lisa’s reputation tarnished at her church, but also around her hometown. The sadness over loss of friends and relationships because of the affair was excruciating for her, and waiting for restoration and forgiveness from her church has been the hardest part.
But today, Matthew West’s song “Mended” is Lisa’s anthem. She’s seen God take what she thought was broken beyond repair and make it healing beyond belief. Now, Lisa and her husband are attending counseling, spending time together with God, and getting guidance from personal mentors – things they never did before. Lisa says, “God is showing himself to us and revealing that he is there, even when we fail. He has provided us with a new home during all of this, so much Grace and a chance to grow. I have written apology letters to those I betrayed and released it all to God. God is so good and I am so thankful.” Lisa’s story doesn’t end in a neat little bow and is still being written, but it is a beautiful picture of how God can take something wounded and make it mended.